Black Algae: The Basics and How to Treat it

After a warmer or more humid season, you may have noticed dark streaks on your shingle roofs. Many homeowners attribute these stains to age, dirt, mold, or mildew. The real culprit, however, is black algae known as Gloeocapsa Magma. While these single-celled organisms thrive in humid climates, the EPA, it’s indicated that harmful algae cause environmental issues in every region of the United States.

If you’ve noticed black algae on your roof, there are ways to treat it and prevent further growth. Many pressure washing companies offer black algae cleaning services. Before you reach out to the professionals, here is more helpful information on black algae.

What is Black Algae?

Gloeocapsa Magma, commonly referred to as black algae, are single-celled organisms that thrive in colonies. Its spores spread through the air, landing on our roofs and other surfaces that provide the right environment for growth.
What makes this organism unique is that it’s composed of compounds that create a dark pigment and strong outer shell. This shell protects the colony from harsh weather and temperatures.

How it’s Removed from Your Roof

While black algae won’t damage shingles, those black streaks aren’t doing anything for your home’s curb appeal. Fortunately, there are several safe options for removing black algae. Pressure washing companies offer black algae cleaning services, which can safely remove these organisms from your home’s roof and gutters. They use a special cleaning agent to soft wash the shingles. This ensures the removal of the black algae, without damaging the shingles.

Preventing Black Algae

To keep the algae at bay, get your roof checked regularly by a pressure washing company that specializes in these types of services. This will ensure that the problem is taken care of and won’t resurface down the road. Ignoring this problem will only make it worse and make it much more of a hassle to get rid of. Don’t try getting rid of the algae yourself. As this will void any roof warranties or home insurance policies you may have. Leave it to the professionals so that your roof can stay algae-free for years to come.

Now that you know more about black algae and it’s cured, contact your local pressure washing companies so they can get to work on removing it to stop the spread of this organism and mitigate environmental damage. If you’re looking for a company you can count on, contact Maine Power Wash Pros today for more information about our services.