Keeping your home clean from the outside is just as important as keeping it clean on the inside. When it comes to outside cleaning methods, some people prefer power washing a house, while others opt for soft washing. Both of these have their pros and cons, but which one is right for you? Read on to determine which method is best for your home.

What Is Power Washing?

Power washing, also known as pressure washing, is a method of cleaning surfaces using high-powered water jets. According to, power washers can spray out 2,000 pounds of force, and that number can go up to 4,000 pounds in gas-powered units. Power washing a house is great for stripping surfaces of things like old paint, dirt, and mold, but it can also be dangerous.

What Is Soft Washing?

Soft washing is a low-pressure alternative to power washing that uses a mixture of water and cleaners to clean surfaces. This method is growing in popularity because it’s less likely to damage surfaces and is considered more effective at killing mold and mildew. Soft washing is also safer for the environment because the cleaners used are biodegradable.

Which Method Should You Use?

The answer to this question depends on what type of surface you are cleaning. Soft washing is best for delicate areas, but if you’re trying to remove tough stains or paint, power washing a house is your best bet. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what you want to achieve and what you’re comfortable with.

Are Power Washing and Soft Washing Only for Homes?

While power and soft washing are most commonly used on homes, they can also be used on other surfaces like decks, driveways, and patios. If you have a surface that needs cleaning, power or soft washing can do the trick.

Do I Need a Professional?

You can power wash or soft wash your own home, but it’s always a good idea to consult a professional before doing so. Power washing a house is not as simple as it may seem and can cause damage to your home when you don’t do it correctly.

The decision of whether to power wash or soft wash a house comes down to what you’re trying to achieve and what type of surface you’ll be washing. If you have any questions about which method to use, consult Maine Power Wash Pros to learn more.